So all four examples of the iphone 14 havepractically been announced with this latest report the lineup for the iphone 14 models isgoing to be very different this year with some reputation changes and even some screen sizechanges today let’s go over all these items and also give you the latest details on the iphone 14 pro secrete date and premium with specs as well now normally at this item you hear me repeat half ofthe last iphone 14 video at this stage if you’ve watched my videos before unless you’re brand-new herethen everything is new anyway but i decided i’m switching things up a little with these videos i’mnow going to give you the latest on illegal report of a feature for the iphone 14 representations and brieflygo over the iphone 14 liberate date and toll as well nonetheless about once every three to four weeksi’m also going to give you a epitome of how the iphone 14 frameworks are shaping up in boasts justlike today’s video so with that let’s move on and can you believe it in around six monthstime the brand-new iphones will be announced we will be getting the new iphone 14 sits we have beentold though what those four examples are going to be in this new mounted of reports that we’ve got we nowhave the normal size 14 at 6.1 inches just like the iphone 14 pro very similar to like what wehave with the 13 and the 13 pro nonetheless the iphone 14 mini is not going to be in the lineup this yearafter sales of the 12 and 13 mini have not done as well in auctions as apple thought they would take alook at this report here as you can see the iphone 12 mini for example only took 5 of all the iphone1 2 modeling marketings it is sad to see that the 12 minion even the 13 mini is not getting countless auctions andit is still a great iphone and i’m sure there’s a good number of you out there who are goingto miss having an option of a mini iphone with so much power and capability inside so what doesthis mean to the iphone 14 lineup move forward well a report from minchi quo is saying that in2022 the mini will be quitted but he also says we’re expecting two iphone immensities for four modelswith a 6.1 and 6.7 inch screens myself and a good deal of other reporters believe that we will get thenormal iphone 4 squad with a 6.1 inch expose and also get the iphone 14 pro with that same 6.1 inch exhibition length nonetheless what will be different is that we’ll be getting the iphone 14 pro max at6. 7 inches but we will also be going a 6.7 inch normal iphone 14 and they believe and myself ialso believe this will be called the iphone 14 max the brand-new mannequin is likely to have theexact same specs as the normal iphone 14 but simply with a larger screen and artillery insidethis is exactly like how we have the iphone 13 pro and the 13 pro max they are the exact same specsbut we get a bigger battery and a bigger screen on the pro max simulation so next release time andprice but now is a good time then more than ever to mention that all reports and reveals that you areseeing right here are not 100 proof that they will come true with the new iphone i is impossible to presentyou what reports or information that is out there nonetheless if you are watching this video you’re ascurious as i am and knowing what is going to be said about the next generation iphone anyway sojust quickly guys recently this path get over 300 000 subscribers what is absolutely amazingso in performance of this i’ve decided to do a giveaway of this it is an iphone 13 pro max andit is in white silver and it’s a 256 gigabyte pattern option so recently i’ve given away a sierrablue one when we got over 300 thousand customers and i’m going to be giving away this iphone 13 promax when we get over 350 000 customers and all you need to do to enter into this internationalgiveaway is just write down in the comments below of what apple gear you’re planning to buy in 2022 write it down in the comments below and too at the same time as well make sure you subscribe tothis channel and too made that notification bell because i’ll be discovering who the win is whenwe get over 350 000 customers via a video and you won’t want to miss that notification for thatvideo now immediately i just want to mention as well sadly there are a lot of scammers and spammersout there who implementation my face for example and also tell you to what tap them this is not me and i’mafraid they’re not giving away any giveaways out there i’m the only one who’s doing the giveawayand you can make sure it’s me by seeing that there’s a ticking next to my actual refer and alsolike i said that any comments or anything will have that click but the actual giveaway itself willbe on that actual video when we get over 350 000 customers not before well with that out of theway let’s return back to the video so let’s do the exhaust year and premium is next so based on no chipshortages or components being hard to come by from now until the end of time 2022 it is believedthat the iphone 14 pro and other iphone 14 mannequins will be out at the end of september 2022. How dowe know that the secrete time is gonna be the end of september well let me just do a speedy historylesson of iphone exhausts so if we go back to the iphone 4s in 2011 this classic iphone cameout on october 14 th that time then skip a year to 2012 with the iphone 5 it was september 21 st2012. then let’s bounce a few years ahead of that 2016 where it was the iphone 7 and the 7 plusand the handout year for that was september 16 th in 2019 we find the release of the iphone 10 s onseptember 21 st and the 10 r on october 26 th and last year for example with the iphone 12 modelsthe freeing dates were october 23 rd to november 13 th now chiefly you can see release dateshave either been kind of mid-end september to kind of end october if there’s somethingspecial came to see you or something a bit different with the main exclusion of 2021 where it was a bitunusual for the iphone 12 to come out a bit later but this was due to covid so we did have a releaseon all the representations nonetheless this year in 2021 we’re back on schedule with the iphone 13 and that’sbeing exhausted at the end of september with all four modelings having a date of their liberate ofseptember 24 th so for 2022 apple be planning an occasion just before this happens nonetheless we’ll seeanother incident for other apple makes like that macbooks ipads apple watch airfields and loadsmore other bits and pieces around that time and if you require more info about those productsdo check out my other videos on this direct and make sure you made the agree button andnotification bell to get the latest news on them so next of all is a sum of everything we know sofar including the prices of the iphone 14 prototypes so first of all it’s the normal iphone 14 and thisis going to be now the cornerstone simulate so it comes in at a 6.1 inch oled display on it and it will havea resolution of 2532 by 1170 and i’m afraid to say that refresh pace at the moment accordingto seeps and rumors is staying at 60 hertz there’s no mention genuinely of a 90 hertz or evento do pro action at 120 hertz too as you may have noticed in the picture here at the momentas it stands the normal iphone 14 and likewise the 14 max what you see in a second is going to havea notch design but nonetheless underneath the punk we’re going to get six gigabytes of ram and we’regonna have storage alternatives between 128 gigabytes all the way to 512 gigabytes then for the actualchipset it’s going to be the brand new a1 6 bionic and that will feature four effectivenes coresand two operation cores and four gpu cores and this has been very much the same kind ofdesign ever since we got the a1 0 some years ago the actual body is actually gonna be made out ofan aluminium body this time and then on the rear we will actually get a dual camera setup with awide and ultra wide lens like “were having” so since the iphone 11. For the actual battery size we’ve beentold it’s going to stay the same as what we’ve got with the iphone 30 so that’ll has become a 3095 milliampbattery sizing but do remember the a16 will be more efficient so you should be able to squeeze atiny bit more battery life out of this phone that basi sit though will be the 128 gigabytemodel and it will be coming in at 799 u.s. dollars next of all we have the iphone 14 max and reallythe specs be similar to the normal iphone 14 the only main difference as you can see hereis that the actual display will be a 6.7 inch parade and that will be an oled panelas well the resolution of this will be 2778 by and 1280 and again that will be a 60 hertzrefresh charge no 90 hertz or 120 hertz pro action inside it though you’ll get six gigabytesof ram 128 gigabytes all the way to 512 gigabytes storage options and i forgot to just quicklymention as well it will still be a notch design but continuing with those specs underneath you’llget the a16 bionic and again that cpu exactly the same as the iphone 14 for efficiency corestwo accomplishment cores and four gpu cores again aluminium mas and again dual camera with thatwide and ultra wide but the battery inside it will be the same as the 14 pro max and that willbe a 4 352 milliamp battery width and in fact that is the same size battery as we got inside theiphone 13 pro max the base model of oh 128 gigabytes and it’ll be starting at 899 u.s. dollars the next phone after this isn’t the pro macrocosm where we have the iphone 14 pro and thiswill be a 6.1 inch oled display with a resolution of 2532 by 1170 and you’ll come that 120 hz motiondisplay just like what we got in the iphone 13. one big change what you can see here in thepicture and a good deal of leakages and rumors are saying is the notch will be threw for the promodels it’s likely we’re probably going to get like a pit pierce or a lozenge layout but it’snot been confirmed exactly what this pattern will look like but we know it’s not going to be thenotch underneath the hood though we’re going to be coming eight gigabytes of ram and there’ll bestorage alternatives between 128 gigabytes all the way up to one terabyte that a16 bionic again willhave four efficiency tools and two act cores but the gpu core will actually havefive cores very similar to like what we got with the 13 pro and the 13 pro max the actual mainbody this time is actually going to be made out of a titanium organization and this is a first for appleand this is going to be absolutely incredible and on the back we’re going to get a triple camerasetup just like what we’ve had ever since the iphone 11 but we will likewise get that lidar sensorthose camera setup will be a wide ultra wide and the telephoto lens on the back and again thatbattery is going to be the same size as what we had with the iphone 13 and likewise the iphone 14 and that will be a 3095 milliamp battery sizing the cornerstone simulation of this is 128 gigabytesand it’ll be coming in at 999 us dollars the final iphone to talk about is the iphone1 4 pro max and this is the biggest one this one comes at six detail seven eight incholed display with a resolution of 2778 by 1280 and again that will have a 120 hertz pro motiondisplay just like the 14 pro again it will have that kind of pill or puncture punch intend justlike i mentioned with the iphone 14 pro but underneath the hood we’ll do eight gigabytesof ram storage alternatives between 128 gigabytes all the way up to one terabyte and then againthat a16 bionic with four effectivenes cores two performance ratings and again five core gpu tobe a little bit more special with the pro poses again we’re gonna do that new titanium bottomand then we’re gonna get that triple camera lens and the lidar sensor so i’ll just say again thewide ultra wide and the telephoto probably again with a free time zoom and then that artillery is thesame battery that we will be getting in the iphone 14 max just like the one we got within the 13 promax and that will be a 4 352 milliamp battery the locate example of this is 128 gigabytes and it’ll becoming in at 1099 usd so that is where we stand with the iphone 14 sits and as season gone on morefeatures will be added to this list and then we will get a more complete picture but if you wantto get a more complete picture in the future and too get the latest details on discloses and reportson all the videos for the iphone 14 s make sure you subscribe to this channel and likewise touched thatnotification buzzer but for now guys with this video if you’ve enjoyed it make sure you affected the likebutton and i will see you really soon take care you
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